Ultimate Games

fun for everyone

Privacy Policy.

The General Terms and Conditions of Ultimate-Games apply to the use of the Ultimate-Games Apps.

Article 1. Explanation of words used

1.1. Ultimate-Games app: the application software offered by us under the name "Ultimate-Games";

1.2. Agreement: the agreement between you and us regarding the Ultimate Games. The Agreement consists of these General Terms and Conditions and the Documentation;

Article 2. Commencement, duration and termination of the Agreement

2.1. The Agreement is valid for an indefinite period. Both you and we can cancel the Agreement


2.2. We can suspend and / or terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in the

following situations:

(a) in (suspected) abuse of the Ultimate-Games App.

Article 3. Operation of the Ultimate-Games App

3.1. We do everything to secure the Ultimate-Games App against loss of data, irregularities and unauthorized use by third parties. We cannot guarantee that the Ultimate-Games App will always be available, that there will be no errors or defects, or that there will be no abuse or unlawful use by third parties.

Article 4. Your obligations

4.1. You may not distribute or make available the Ultimate-Games App to any third party without our prior written consent. You may not connect the Ultimate-Games App to a network that would allow other devices to use the Ultimate-Games App. You may not disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer the Ultimate-Games App.

4.2. The Ultimate-Games App is personal and may only be installed for your own use.

Article 5. Costs

5.1. There are two versions of the app: paid and free. Costs that are charged to you by third parties for (being able to) use the Ultimate Games App (such as costs for a telephone / tablet, telephone subscription / internet subscription), you must pay yourself.

Article 6. Liability

6.1. If you have fulfilled your obligations under article 4, you bear no risk for the use

that the Ultimate-Games App was created after loss, theft of your phone / tablet or misuse of the Ultimate-Games App. 

6.2 If you have failed to comply with these obligations, if it is found that you have committed fraud or if there is intent or gross negligence on your part, the use made of the Ultimate-Games App will come after loss, theft of your phone / tablet or abuse of the Ultimate Games App entirely at your expense.

6.3. We are not liable for damage resulting from the lack of information in the

Ultimate-Games App or providing false information through the Ultimate-Games App.

6.4. We do not guarantee that you will always be able to use the Ultimate-Games App without hindrance. We are not liable if you cannot use the Ultimate-Games App, or cannot use it in time or in full.

Article 7. Intellectual property

7.1. All intellectual and industrial property rights to the Ultimate-Games App and all associated software and / or materials belong to us.

7.2. During the term of the Agreement, you are entitled to use the Ultimate-Games App and all associated software and / or materials in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. This right is non-exclusive and you may not transfer this right.

Article 8. Amendments to the Agreement

8.1. We may change the Agreement without informing you in advance.

Article 9. Other provisions

9.1. We may decline an application to register for the Ultimate-Games App.

9.2. If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is null and void or is nullified, the other provisions of these General Terms and Conditions will remain in full force.

9.3. Dutch law applies to the Agreement. Disputes about the Agreement can only be submitted to the Dutch court.